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This post by s7plc was moved from the Starting wxPython (GUI code) thread ...

I've been working with various widgets from the wxPython demo library, and am making pretty good progress. But I just ran into a problem that I am sure has a simple answer, but I just can't get it to work.

I'm referencing the TreeCtrl in the AUI_DockingWindowMgr in the "Frames and Dialogs" demo library (I assume everyone has that, but I can post the code if necessary). I can populate the tree with my own data, but have a problem creating events when clicking on tree items. I had it working fine when working with a tree control in another project, but the component hierarchy is different here, and am not sure where to bind the event. Nothing I try seems to work.

The actual event I am trying to use is "wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED", and the TreeCtrl starts at line 681.


Note: Please read the posting rules at the beginning of the "Starting wxPython (GUI code)" thread!
I will try to move this post into its own thread in the Python forum.

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