Hi, I was wondering how to use TAPI in C++ to communicate with my modem. How would I accomplish this? I'm not using Visual C++. I'm using dev-c++


What do you mean "how"?

How I would do it would be
- STW for tutorials and examples
- Read the manual pages
- Try some examples
- Do some design work on the system I want to implement
- Write some code, then test it.
And so on.

Same as any other software problem really. The "TAPI" and "C++" isn't special in that respect.

By "How", I mean I looked for like an hour finding only stuff about .Net, and was wondering what the code would be, what libraries I might have to get, and so on. Like I said before, I'm using Dev-C++, so anything that could be compiled with that IDE would help me a lot.

C++ doesn't care whether your IDE is "Visual" or "Dev".
Again, if you've already found some C++ code, you're already like 95%+ of the way there.

How would you compile this in Dev?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using JulMar.Tapi3;

namespace TestTapi
   class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)
         TTapi tapi = new TTapi();
         TCall call = null; TAddress modemAddr = null;

         tapi.TE_CALLNOTIFICATION += delegate(object sender, TapiCallNotificationEventArgs e)  
            Console.WriteLine("New call {0} detected from {1}", e.Call.ToString(), e.Event);
         tapi.TE_CALLSTATE += delegate(object sender, TapiCallStateEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}:{4} has changed state to {1} due to {2} - current={3}:{5}", 
                  e.Call, e.State, e.Cause, e.Call == call, e.Call.GetHashCode(), (call != null) ? call.GetHashCode() : 0);
            if (e.State == CALL_STATE.CS_INPROGRESS && e.Call == call)
               Console.WriteLine("Dropping call");

         foreach (TAddress addr in tapi.Addresses)
            if (String.Compare(addr.ServiceProviderName, "unimdm.tsp", true) == 0 && 
               modemAddr = addr;

         if (modemAddr != null)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1} ({3}) [{2}]", modemAddr.AddressName, modemAddr.State, modemAddr.ServiceProviderName, modemAddr.DialableAddress);
            ConsoleKey ki = ConsoleKey.A;

            while (ki != ConsoleKey.Q)
               // Flip the auto-destroy flag
               if (ki == ConsoleKey.D) 
                  tapi.AutoDestroyCalls = !tapi.AutoDestroyCalls;
                  Console.WriteLine("Set AutoDestroy to {0}", tapi.AutoDestroyCalls);
               // List existing calls
               else if (ki == ConsoleKey.L)
                  foreach (TCall _call in modemAddr.EnumerateCalls())
                     Console.WriteLine("Existing call found: {0}:{1}", _call, _call.GetHashCode());
                     _call.Dispose(); // Go ahead and dump it
               // Create a new call
                  call = modemAddr.CreateCall("5551213", LINEADDRESSTYPES.PhoneNumber, TAPIMEDIATYPES.DATAMODEM);
                  Console.WriteLine("Created new call {0}:{1}", call, call.GetHashCode());
                     // This will fail if existing call interface is still around (i.e. not disposed)
                  catch (TapiException ex)
               Console.WriteLine("Press a key to try another call.. Q to quit");
               ki = Console.ReadKey().Key;

         // This will destroy any outstanding interfaces

         // Call should be disposed here.. state will be CS_UNKNOWN 
         if (call != null)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", call, call.CallState);

I thought you have C++ examples as well as .net examples.

OOOOOOOPSSSSSSSSSSS, I'm StUPID. No i didn't. I don't know why I put that........:$ :$ :$
I'm an idiot.......................

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