blue_moon 0 Newbie Poster

Write a method that converts its String parameter so that letters are written in
blocks five letters long. For example, consider the following two versions of the
same sentence:

Plain: This is how we would ordinarily write a sentence.
Blocked : Thisi showw ewoul dordi naril ywrit easen tence

p.s....the code still have the error in JCreator(JAVA).....dont know how to solve it.....pls help me to solve this problem.....

public class String {

    public static void main(String [] args) {

        String convertToFive;
        int string = new string;
        string = s;
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        for (int k = 0; k < s.length(); k++) {
            if ((k+1) % 5 != 0){

            else if ((k + 1) % 5 == 0)
                result.append(s.charAt(k) + " ");
        return result.toString();
    } // convertToFive()

    String s = "This is how we would ordinarily write a sentence.";
    String stripS = s.replaceAll(" ", "");

  }//end main

}//end class