this program is all about computing the bill of the electricity/.// the first 150kilowatts will be 10.00php... then additional kilowats will be add for another 20.00 per kilowatts...
In their bill also, there will be additional 5% for the tax...

And My prof give this condition in doing the program:
1.the first function should compute the amount w/o tax.
2. the secong will function computing the first function and with the tax.

thank you in advance whosoever heLp me in this...

problem: this source code is working.. but the thing is it does not give the accurate answer.


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Why didn't you just post the code?..


float compute_amount(int kilowatt);
float compute_tax(float total);

void main()
int kilowatt;
float Amount;
char decide;
printf("Please enter your kilowatt: ");
printf("Your current Bill for this month is: %f\n\n",Amount);
printf("Do you want to repeat your transaction[Y or N]:  ");

float compute_amount(int kilowatt)
{float total;

	return total;

float compute_tax(float total)
{float totalwtax,tax=0.05;


return totalwtax;

Now to fix it up a little.. Ive indented the code, added spaces where appropriate, and made main return an int.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>

float compute_amount(int kilowatt);
float compute_tax(float total);

int main() {
   int kilowatt;
   float Amount;
   char decide;
   do {
      printf("Please enter your kilowatt: ");
      Amount = compute_amount(kilowatt);
      printf("Your current Bill for this month is: %f\n\n",Amount);
      printf("Do you want to repeat your transaction[Y or N]:  ");
      scanf("%c", &decide);
   } while (decide=='y'||decide=='Y');
   return 0;

float compute_amount(int kilowatt) {
   float total;
   total = (kilowatt - 15) * 20 + 10 + compute_tax(total);
   return total;

float compute_tax(float total) {
   float totalwtax, tax = 0.05;
   totalwtax = total + tax;
   return totalwtax;

One problem. scanf("%d",&kilowatt); kilowatt isn't an integer. Change the format specifier to what you'd use for a float.

Is this right? (kilowatt-15)*20+(10)+compute_tax(total); Haven't looked at it, just seems odd that you're taking 15 from kW.

Is this right? totalwtax=total+tax; Should it be * not +?

yahoOOOOOoooooooooOoooooooo.... Its working... i now it gives A accurate Answer!!! thank you very much!!thank you for your help!!! now, I can send this to my Prof.. GodbLEss ^_^

its working... but it does not including the tax??

its working but the output or the results does not including the Tax... hhmmm?? ^_T

I'd imagine you should change:

total = (kilowatt - 15) * 20 + 10 + compute_tax(total);


total = (kilowatt - 15) * 20 + 10;
total += compute_tax(total);

, but again check your formulae are correct.

yeah.. now, it gives me accurate answer!!! thank you very much!!!!

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