Say I have a class named Contestant, could I declare an instance of the Contestant class as:

Contestant *c = new Contestant;

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yes. You shouldn't use dynamic allocation unless its really needed. Depends on the context of the rest of your program.

Well the Contestant class contains strings of first name, last name, age, and country. At run time the user passes a input file with various commands and the info that Contestant class is supposed to hold. So I have no idea how long these strings might be.

That shouldn't matter. As long as your declare your your strings using the type "string", you will be able to store a string of any length for your string values.

This is completely independent from your declaration of a Contestant object.

yes you can. But remember to deallocate the memory when it is no longer needed to prevent memory leak.

Normally I would do something like this for dynamic allocation:

Contestant* C = NULL;
C = new Contestant;
if(C)  // test valid allocation
// do whatever you want here

// Memory deallocation
delete C;

keep also in mind that whenever u allocate (using the -new- operator) an object which has a constructor, AN INITIALIZATION is mandatory.

This is simple when u haven't defined any constructor, since then the default constructor is called. On the other hand if u defined only e.g. a 2-argument constructor u cannot use the expression u wrote at the beginning of the post, unless u define a no-argument constructor.

He could always use:

Contestant *c = new Contestant(arg1, arg2);

Don't allocate dynamically unless you need to.
And you need to do it if you don't know (for example) number of contestors.
But even then, you could make a vector<Contestant> to store all of them

Normally I would do something like this for dynamic allocation:

Contestant* C = NULL;
C = new Contestant;
if(C)  // test valid allocation
// do whatever you want here

// Memory deallocation
delete C;

Your approach will not work: operator new does not yield a NULL pointer on failure - it throws an exception. The "if (C)" test in your code therefore cannot yield false.

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