Athos84 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all!
I need to pass a list, like this:

public ref class XMLParser {
	ref struct Node {
		System::String^ type;
		System::String^ name;
		System::String^ role;
	System::Collections::Generic::List<Node^>^ xmlList;

#include "XMLParser.h"
public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
			xp = gcnew XMLParser("settings.xml");
			net = gcnew NetNode();
			lt = gcnew LogTab(759, 487, net, xp->xmlList);

#include "NetNode.h"
public ref class LogTab : public Panel {
        LogTab(int x, int y, NetNode^ net, System::Collections::Generic::List<Node^>^ xmlList) {

I get the error: undeclared identifier "Node" (#include "XMLParser.h" into logtab.h does not work)

Best regards