#include <math.h> 
#include <iostream> 

using namespace std;

void instruction();
int calculator (char);
void divide_by_zero ();
float do_next_op (char, float, float);

int main()
	char input;
	float accum,num;

	// instructions ();
	void intruction();
	accum = 0 ;

		//get input 
		cout<< " : " ;
		cin >> input;
		cin >> num;
		// Do op
		accum = do_next_op (input, num, accum);
		//display result
		cout << " Result so far : " << accum << endl;

		cout << "  "<< endl      ;
	} // end not quit
	while (input != 'Q' && input != 'q' && input != '=');

	cout << "Final result : " ;
	system ("pause") ;  
	return 0 ;

//instruct user 
void instruction()
	cout <<" This program models a simple calculator which can add, subtract,multiply,divide, power" << endl;
	cout << " the calculator accumulate value after each operation " << endl;
	cout << " press Q to quit the program " << endl;
	cout << " Have fun with my program " << endl<< endl;

float do_next_op (char op, float num, float total)
	switch (op)
		case '+' :
			total += num;

		case '-':
			total -= num;

		case '*':
			total *= num;

		case '/': 
			total /= num;

		case '^':
			total = pow (total,num);
			break ;

		default :
			cout << " syntax error"	<< endl;

	return total;

void divide_by_zero ()

I don't know how to write the divide by zero function, and I don't know why the void function to display the instruction does not run too,

The program now run well, but when I input something weird like a,b,c + c,+d... etc . It runs to the definite loop

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All 2 Replies

For hundreth time: you don't call void function like: void myfunc() but by simply typing: myfunc() And what do you want with divide_by_zero()?

I don't know how to write the divide by zero function, and I don't know why the void function to display the instruction does not run too,

Anything divide by zero will become infinity. So you need to cater for the case whereby the operator is "/" and the operand num is 0. If such case is met, instead of performing the computation, maybe you should displaying some error message.

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