Hi. I have written a small test socket program that uses a background thread that accepts tcp connections and adds them to a connection list that is accessed by main().

When a connection is opened, then later closed, recv() is called (see line highlighted in code below), which throws an exception stating that the socket is closed.

When I compile in Dev-C++ the exception thrown in the main() thread is caught in the background thread. -- Why is this??

When I compile in Visual Studio 6 the exception is caught in the main() thread as I expected.

I upgraded the Dev-c++ compiler from mingw 3.4.2 to 3.4.5, but the problem still exists.

Does anyone know why this is happening, and if there are any workarounds?


The file is shown following:
Note: the TcpServerSocket.accept() method returns a new open TcpClientObject. All member functions simply call a socket function using the handle stored in the object. Exceptions thrown are derived from std::exception, with what() implemented.
The 2 socket classes are in separate files included in the project during compilation.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "../WindowsPorts/TcpClientSocket.h"
#include "../WindowsPorts/TcpServerSocket.h"

using namespace std;

list<TcpClientSocket*> skts;
bool abortProgram = false;

DWORD __stdcall acceptThread(void *_port){
   int port = *(int*)_port;
      cout << "Listening on " << port << endl;
      TcpServerSocket listenSocket(port);

         TcpClientSocket *acc = NULL;
            acc = listenSocket.accept();
         catch(exception &x){
            cout << "acceptThread" << " (inner loop) Caught Exception: " << x.what() << endl;

            cout << "Accepted connection from " << acc->getHost() << ":" << acc->getPort() << endl;

         Sleep(1);      // useless
   catch(exception &x){
      cout << "acceptThread" << " Caught Exception: " << x.what() << endl;
      cout << "Listening Port Closed. Quitting Thread." << endl;
      abortProgram = true;

   return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
   DWORD port = 12350;
   if(argc == 2){
      port = atoi(argv[1]);
      CreateThread(0, 0, acceptThread, &port, 0, 0);

      TcpServerSocket listen(12300);

      list<TcpClientSocket*>::iterator socketInUse = skts.begin();

         char ch = 0;

            ch = getch();
            if(ch == 27){
               if(++socketInUse == skts.end()){
                  socketInUse = skts.begin();

               if(skts.size() > 0 && socketInUse != skts.end()){
                  cout << "Data will be directed to " << (*socketInUse)->getHost() << "                             \r";
               ch = 0;
                  if(skts.size() > 0 && socketInUse != skts.end()){
                     (*socketInUse)->send(&ch, 1);
               catch(exception &x){
                  cout << "main" << " Caught Exception: " << x.what() << endl;

         for(list<TcpClientSocket*>::iterator it = skts.begin(); it != skts.end(); it++){
               if((*it)->waitForData(10) == 1){    // got data, display it
                  char buff[1500];
// ########### the following line will throw the exception when the connection is closed (remotely)
                  unsigned int len = (*it)->recv(buff, sizeof(buff));

//                  cout << "read " << len << " bytes " << (len == 0) << endl;
                  if(len > 0)   
                     cout << (*it)->getHost() << ": " << string(buff, len) << endl;
            catch(exception &x){
               cout << "main" << " Caught Exception: " << x.what() << endl;
               cout << "Closing port" << endl;

			      bool reset = false;
               if(socketInUse == it){
                  reset = true;

               delete *it;       // destroy object
               skts.erase(it);   // destroy reference

                  socketInUse = skts.end();

               cout << "main" << " Unhandled Exception" << endl;
               cout << "Closing port" << endl;

			      bool reset = false;
     			   if(socketInUse == it){
                  reset = true;

               delete *it;       // destroy object
               skts.erase(it);   // destroy reference
                  socketInUse = skts.end();

   catch(exception &x){
      cout << "main" << " Caught Exception: " << x.what() << endl;
      cout << "main" << " Unhandled Exception" << endl;

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

OK, I found out the compilation option -mthreads (MinGW specific) is needed to allow safe threaded code with exceptions. It may also be the case that -pthreads is required for non-MinGW gcc.

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