tyserman5674 0 Light Poster

Hi All,
I have a problem with displaying items in a list box. I have inserted a radio button to display 15 lines of calculations, press the OK button and then display another 15 and so on.

intCounter1 += 1                    'add one to counter
            intPaymentNum += 1                  'add one to payment number
            decLoanAmount = decBalanceNew       'set new balance to loan amount
            intPauseLoop += 1                   'add one to loop counter

            'button to display pages individually.
            If rbtnIndividualPages.Checked = True Then
                If (intPauseLoop <= 15) Then
                ElseIf (intPauseLoop >= 15) Then
                    MsgBox("Press OK To Continue..", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)
                    intPauseLoop = 1        'reset pause loop variable
                End If
            End If

The problem is if I don't select the radio button it displays all the results, with a scroll bar, which is fine if that is what I want. But if I want to display only 15 lines at a time, with the code above it doesn't work right. The OK button comes up each time but the output to the list doesn't come up each time, the output is only displayed for the last lines of the process and missing everything in between.
Help Please,