I must say I always love a program where I can use #include<vector> vectors are like the peanut butter to my chocolate!

I must say I always love a program where I can use #include<vector> vectors are like the peanut butter to my chocolate!

Well, start all your modules from

#include <vector>
using std::vector;

Who knows what may happen below ;)...

commented: lol +2

>vectors are like the peanut butter to my chocolate!
Which suggests that you go out of your way to use vectors even when they're not the best solution. Next!

#include <windows.h> The start of a big fun windows application.. Woo!? ;)

Origin of headers: unsurpassed <stdio.h> ;)

George Best, 1973 against Liverpool - classic!

George Best, 1973 against Liverpool - classic!

He said "header", not "headliner" :)

my current favorite:

#include <pthread.h>

What's a wonderful remark:

We've all met (sometimes only through their code) bad programmers who did things like:
- ...
- only knows one data structure or design methodology, and uses them for everything, even when inappropriate, thinks the same solution fits every single problem.
- ...


<iostream> just like it...

What is your favorite boolean? true, false, inbetween?

commented: Ha!, so there are 10 kinds of people +25

What is your favorite boolean? true, false, inbetween?

FILE_NOT_FOUND obviously


<winsock.h> :P

Member Avatar for iamthwee
#include "verySmallViolins.h"

Absolutely essential when handing in homework that is late.

commented: Play on maestro! +25
#include "verySmallViolins.h"

Absolutely essential when handing in homework that is late.

LMAO thats great!!!

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