SaitrixMarsden 0 Newbie Poster

Below is a procedure that gathers all the contacts email address and puts them into a new email window of Outlook. The procedure works fin but the companies Outlook is set so that the user is only allowed to enter 99 email address per email window. I am struggling to come up with a procedure that adds the first 99 email address to a new email window, then adds the next 99 email address to a second email window and so on. Any help with this is must appreciated.

uses ShellApi;

 em_mail, eadd : string;

 Seek(VolFile, 0);

 read(VolFile, VolRec);

    if VolRec.vemail = '' then


     eadd := VolRec.vfname + ' ' + VolRec.vlname + ' <' + VolRec.vemail + '>;';

  while NOT EOF(VolFile) do begin

   read(VolFile, VolRec);

    if VolRec.vemail = '' then


     eadd := eadd + VolRec.vfname + ' ' + VolRec.vlname + ' <' + VolRec.vemail + '>;';


 em_mail := 'mailto:' + eadd;

 ShellExecute(Handle,'open',PChar(em_mail), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) ;