Coefficients in the expansion of (x+y)^n form a pattern which is useful for small values of n. It is known as Pascal's triangle.

n Pascal's triangle
1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 3 1
4 1 4 6 4 1
5 1 5 10 10 5 1

Write a Matlab script to calculate and display this expression in the form of the triangle for the first 10 values of n. Use the sprintf command to display in a suitable format such as that shown above.

% A Program for Pascal's Triangle

if nargin ~=2

if n<55
a= n/10;

hold on;

for m = 1:n-1
x = x2-a/2;
y = y-a/2*sqrt(2);
w = 1;

x2 = x;

for l = 1:m
x = x+a;
w = nchoosek(m,1);


else clf;
text(-0.2,0.5,' FontSize',23);

hold off;
axis square;
axis equal;
axis off;

I had tried the question but i am not getting through it can any1 help me out in this problem.

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Try to plan out a flow chart first.

Coefficients in the expansion of (x+y)^n form a pattern which is useful for small values of n. It is known as Pascal's triangle.

n  Pascal's triangle
1         1  1
2        1  2  1
3       1 3  3  1
4      1 4  6  4  1
5    1   5  10  10 5 1

Write a Matlab script to calculate and display this expression in the form of the triangle for the first 10 values of n. Use the sprintf command to display in a suitable format such as that shown above.

% A Program for Pascal's Triangle
if nargin ~=2
if n<55
a= n/10;

hold on;
for m = 1:n-1
x = x2-a/2;
y = y-a/2*sqrt(2);
w = 1;
x2 = x;
for l = 1:m
x = x+a;
w = nchoosek(m,1);
else clf;
text(-0.2,0.5,' FontSize',23);
hold off;
axis square;
axis equal;
axis off;

I had tried the question but i am not getting through it can any1 help me out in this problem.

hello i want to write code for this
in my opinion pascal triangle is:-

     1     1
  1     2     1
1    3      3    1

u wil find this by following prog:-

/*Program to Calculate the Pascal triangle */
int main()
int a[20][20];
int i,j,c,n,k;
printf("Enter how many lines do you want");
{                for(j=1;j<=n-i;j++)
printf("  ");
printf("%d  ",a[k]);
printf("%d  ",a[1]);
printf("%d  ",a[j]);
printf("%dn ",a[j]);

That's because J is deliberately cryptic and hides all the hard work behind pre-written combinators and functions, in this case ! being "choose". Given the equivalent of these two defined in Haskell:

comb n k = foldl' (\x y -> ((n - x + 1) * y) `div` x) 1 [1..k]

table f xs ys = foldr ((:) . (`map` ys) . f) [] xs

Then producing Pascal's triangle is as simple as join (table comb) [0..] .

But overall a much simpler solution is iterate (\xs -> zipWith (+) (0:xs) (xs++[0])) [1]

I suppose anything is cryptic if you make no effort to understand it.

Even so, your statement is very odd. Apparently you are under the mis-apprehension that your failure to understand is the fault of a succinct, powerful notation and this means that the language was "deliberately" designed to be hard to understand.

Why would you even think something like this? I mean, why would someone deliberately make something difficult to understand? Most people I know strive for clarity. Do you think that "1+1" is cryptic because it uses a symbol "+" instead of the word "plus"? I suppose it is if you don't know math.

The other odd thing you seem to imply is that avoiding hard, unnecessary work is a bad thing. So, you're against the idea of carefully designed, well-tested, powerful, pre-written functions that you can combine in a clear, logically consistent manner?

This is all the more puzzling as your initial answer join (table comb) [0..] apparently very closely resembles the J solution of i. !/ i. because each "i." generates a vector of consecutive integers and "/" - similarly to (table comb) - combines these vectors in a table using "!". The "!" function, with a right and left arguments x and y returns the number of ways x things can be chosen from y possibilities - pretty much a direct statement of what you are doing when determining the coefficient of a polynomial expansion.

There are, of course other ways to do this more algorithmically and less mathematically as you appear to show in your final example. I say "appear" because that example is rather cryptic insofar as it uses the pre-written function "zipWith".

In J, I could write something I presume is similar to this: pascalNewRow=: 3 : '1,(2+/\y),1' based on the following rule for generating a new row of the triangle from the previous one: start and end with 1; add together adjacent pairs for the middle section. The above expression "2+/\" adds together each adjacent 2 numbers across the first dimension of an array; the "3 :" defines a function. Once you know that, the code is a straightforward expression of the rule.

Similarly to the final expression in Haskell, we iterate the function "pascalNewRow" by using an iterator expressed by some symbols, "^:" instead of the word "iterate". So, the expression pascalNewRow^:10 ] 1 returns the first ten rows of Pascal's triangle (starting with a "seed" of 1).

I find this much less cryptic than the Haskell expression but, of course, I've made the effort to understand it.

In any case, this has wandered far off topic. Why don't I conclude by giving a solution to the original problem? Taking my J code as a template, start by defining a function to add adjacent pairs of a vector:

int *addAdjacentPairs( int vlen, int *vec)
{   int vc, win2[2];
    {   vec[vc]=win2[0]+win2[1];
// Danger: returned vector is 1 longer than input: allocate accordingly.
    return 0;

and simply use it in a loop:

// PascalTriangle.c: print some rows of Pascal's triangle.


int main(void)
{   int vec[21];
    int ii,vc,nn;
    printf("How many lines (up to 20) do you want? ");
// Should verify result and handle errors but this is why I don't like these
// languages that don't handle arrays natively so I won't bother.

    {   vec[ii]=1;
        for(vc=0;vc<=ii;vc++) printf("%i ",vec[vc]);
        addAdjacentPairs( ii, vec);
    return 0;

This provides a nice example of how solving the problem with a high-level notation leads to a more elegant solution even in a lower-level language.

That's because J is deliberately cryptic and hides all the hard work behind pre-written combinators and functions, in this case ! being "choose". Given the equivalent of these two defined in Haskell:

comb n k = foldl' (\x y -> ((n - x + 1) * y) `div` x) 1 [1..k]

table f xs ys = foldr ((:) . (`map` ys) . f) [] xs

Then producing Pascal's triangle is as simple as join (table comb) [0..] .

But overall a much simpler solution is iterate (\xs -> zipWith (+) (0:xs) (xs++[0])) [1]

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