Following are my prototype definitions:

int fillArray (double commission[], int salesID[], int employeeCode[], int numUnits[], double numDollars[]) ;
void printReport (ofstream& fout, double commission[], int salesID[], int employeeCode[], int numUnits[], double numDollars[]);
void printHeader (ofstream& fout);

The two void functions are the one's that I'm getting errors on
following are my function calls: ( which is where the errors are)

void printHeader (fout);
void printReport (fout,commission,  salesID,  employeeCode, numUnits,  numDollars, n);

commision, salesID, etc are arrays (obv) and fout is a ofstream. I can post the functions if need be but basically all printheader does is column headers, no variables or arrays or anything, and all printreport does is print all the arrays. I keep getting the following errors: error: variable or field ‘printHeader’ declared void error: invalid conversion from ‘void*’ to ‘int’ error: variable or field ‘printReport’ declared void error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression

oh and the two lines the errors are in (137 and 138) are my functions calls

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Don't put the keyword "void" in front of the function calls. Just use the function name.

printHeader (fout);
printReport (fout,commission,  salesID,  employeeCode, numUnits,  numDollars, n);

Also, organize your data into structs (if you are able/allowed).

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