Hi all, i asked this question a few days ago bit its still unsolved.

I'm reading a text file of strings, line by line, and storing them into an array.

when i try and print them using this function:

template < typename T >
void printArray(T * const array, int size)
    for (int i=0; i < size; ++i)
        cout << array[i] << ' ';
    cout << endl;


it dosn't print the whole array.
when i use endl or '\n' instead of ' ' it works.
and it can't be the cout buffer because im using cout.flush().
Does anyone know what is happening.

You do not have to flush cout. Can you show us some more code, because this should work fine as far as I can see.

I tested it just to be sure and it works fine for me:

template < typename T >
void printArray(T * const array, int size)
    for (int i=0; i < size; ++i)
        cout << array[i] << ' ';
    cout << endl;

int main()
    string str[3];
    str[0] = "abc";
    str[1] = "cde";
    str[2] = "def";
    return 0;

output: abc cde def

yeah i pretty sure its the reading from file, cause i tried your way as well. heres the reading from file code:

void processFile_strings(const char * fileName, int maxData, int &linecount, string *strptr)
     string str;//for reading each line
     linecount = 0;
     ifstream inFile(fileName);//open file

     if (inFile.fail()){
        cout << fileName << " " << strerror(errno) << endl;
        exit (1);

                if(linecount > maxData)break;
                getline(inFile, str);
		if (!commentLine((char*)str.c_str()))
                    *strptr = str;
    inFile.close();//close file
bool commentLine(char *s)
   char *p=strchr(s,'#');

   if (p) *p = '\0'; // "omit" the comment
   for (p=s; isspace(*p); ++p) // skip over all whitespace

   return !*p; // OR MORE clearly as   *p != '\0'
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Have you ever stepped thru commentLine() in the debugger?? I think this crap does not do what you want! And by the way, what about passing your string by reference to commentLine() and then use iterators???

commented: >>"I think this crap does not do what you want!" Very well put :) +14

Yes I do need to fix commentline(), it was given to me by the teacher, so I assumed it worked. But its not causing the problem, because I got rid of it all together, and its still happening. any other ideas?

By the way, i think I've said this before, but it does work when i put a new line character (/n) at the end of each word.

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