jrw0267 0 Newbie Poster

I am fairly new to assembly language and I am having a problem with my project. The project is fairly simple, but i am having trouble with input. I am tryint to enter in a number of unknown length 1 digit at a time (eg 16) would be 1 then 6. I am reading the first number and multiplying a register with value 0 inside my loop then adding the newly read number to the total. So enter 1 multiply 0 by 10 then add one gives 1 then enter 6...1x10=10 +6 = 16. I need to exit the loop when enter is pressed and then print the 16 back out by dividing by 10 printing al then ah to print 16...I have looked over my code several times and still am getting incorrect output. Whenever 16 is entered 32 is output. Whenever 8 is intered 56 is output?? can someone please help me with this problem.

.MODEL		small
	.STACK		100h

	.CODE			;the next few lines must be present
Main:	mov		ax,@data
	mov		ds,ax

	mov		ch,10

LIN:	mov		ah,1
	int		21h
	cmp		al,13
	je		lloop
	mov		cl,al
	mov		al,ch
	mov		ah,0
	mul		bl
	mov		bl,al
	add		bl,cl
	jmp		lin

lloop:	mov		ah,0
	mov		al,bl
	div		ch
	mov		dl,al
	add		dl,30H
	mov		bh,ah
	mov		ah,2
	int		21h
	mov		dl,bh
	add		dl,30H
	mov		ah,2
	int		21h

	mov		ah,4ch	;must be present to run program
	int		21h	;this one too
	END		Main	;this one too

also i know that the code is sloppy and uncommented but its fairly simple and this is just a quick job for the first part of the project.