Hi I am making a roman numeral to decimal converter, I have the decimal to roman numeral converter but I am having trouble doing it from roman to decimal.

How do you pull a string apart letter by letter; eg VXI, into 3 variables a= V, b= X, c= I.

do you use this somehow?

cin.ignore(100, ' ');

Also my code so far is this, I am all for efficiency so if you think that something could be written in a easier format or with less lines I'd be really interested :D

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int numeral_converter(int a);

void roman(int a, int b, int c, int d);

int main()
	int n=0;

	cout << "Enter a number: ";
	cin >> n;

	return 0;

int numeral_converter(int a)
	int one, ten, hund, tho;

	if (a >= 100)
		ten= (a/10)%10;
	else ten= a/10;

	if (a >= 1000)
		hund= (a/100)%10;
		hund= a/100;

	one= a%10;
	tho= a/1000;

	cout << "Thousands= "<< tho << " Hundreds= " << hund;
	cout << " Tens= " << ten << " Ones= " << one << endl;

	roman(one, ten, hund, tho);
	return a;

void roman(int a, int b, int c, int d)

	for (int l= 0; l < d; l++)
		cout << "M";

	for (int k= 0; k < c; k++)
		cout << "C";

	if (b == 4)
		cout << "XL";
	else if ( b>= 5)
		b = b-5;
		cout << "L";
		for (int j= 0; j < b; j++)
			cout << "X";
		for (int j= 0; j < b; j++)
			cout << "X";

	if (a == 4)
		cout << "IV";
	else if ( a>= 5)
		a= a-5;
		cout << "V";
		for (int i= 0; i < a; i++)
			cout << "I";
		for (int i= 0; i < a; i++)
			cout << "I";


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Make that after I get time to run it through myself.

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