I'm trying to code a Trie in Python. Any suggestions as to where I should begin?


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Could you give as a more detailed explanation of 'Trie'?

I'm trying to code a Trie in Python. Any suggestions as to where I should begin?


I suggest searching the internet using this crazy tool called the Googles.

Here was my first hit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trie

Well I did that and I know what a Trie is. But coding it in a language you haven't used before is a challenge. I just want to know, when programing a data structure where do I begin. I already did this project in Java. My implementation has 2 class: Node.java and Trie.java. How do I do classes in Python? Or is there a easier way of doing it.

Help me get started and then I'll get a better idea as to what I ought to do and my question will be better than well my previous post!


Here's another post about classes from earlier today. If you search this forum you'll find plenty of examples of working w/ classes

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