DaveD3 0 Newbie Poster

I have a unique issue. I am using datagrids to display 3 tables in an access database. When a user makes a change to the data I want to highlight the cell for a period of time. I have 2 columns that are hidden. When a change is made I store the date/time in one column and the column number of the changed column in the other, then update the table in the data base. Anytime the database is refreshed, I go through each row and check for an entry in the time field. If there is an entry and the difference between the entry and current date/time is less than the highlight time configured, I read the column which has the column numbers in it and turn the highlight on for that row and column. If the time difference is larger than the highlight time configured, I set the two columns to "" and update the database. This system is working fine for all rows except the first. Changes and highlights work correctly, however when the highlight times out and tries to set the entries to "" they don't get updated in the database. I have done this in debug mode and the dataset gets changed but when the update call is made the database does not update. If I make one change then go back and make a second change the columns in question update just fine. It seem to be only when I am trying to set them to "" that it doesn't work, and this is only for row one. The same issue exist in all three tables, which leads me to believe that it might be in the update sql used by the data adpters, but I don't know how to access that sql. The only update that doesn't work is trying to set the columns to "" and then only in the first row, all other rows work just fine. Any thought or ideas would be a great help, I have tried everything I can think of with no solution in sight.


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