pads_irl 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all.

Currently I am (trying to) writing code to read information from MS Access using win32com. I was wondering if anyone could help me with some code to do this. I am completely stuck! I have used win32 before for excel, but I’ve never used access before and the stuff I Google for doesn't make any sense to me.

What I am trying to do is read 1 column from an output of a program running within access. WRT the code, if someone could help out with a piece of code to 'copy' the code from access through an internal program I would be extremely grateful!

I do not want to vary from win32 as this program will be used by many people on different computers so additional downloads are out of the question. SO please no recommendations RE: these. Also this is not a homework assignment. It is work but I have been trying to research this for a few days without any luck so I'm hoping someone will be able to help me out here, Thanks for reading!

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