I have used python for awhile, and am quite good with it. But last week I added the wxpython..I wanted to actually make a program and not a script.
So I can do this in normal python all day long. But wxpython is alot different, so I need help with doing a math function. The function is finding the Area of a circle which is really easy (input number)*Radius*Radius) ya.
So I made a program, and here is the code part I just need a "Helper code" or somewhere to start from, tutorial..reference..I dont want to be told HOW to do it, unless you want to explain HOW you did it. I intend to actually learn..
button=wx.Button(panel,label="Radial Entry",pos=(10,10),size=(70,25))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClick)
def OnClick(self, event):
TED=wx.TextEntryDialog(None,"Enter Radius","Radial Entry","default text")
if TED.ShowModal()==wx.ID_OK:
So here it is..I made a button,simple...I made it to when you click the button, a dialog box pops up..That is where I want the person to input the "Radius" of the circle or math problem. Then, I want it to perform the math problem by doing the formula above^, then put it in the main window panel, or another box, does not matter to me I just need help getting the basics of doing math with wxpython.