I was wondering if anyone knows if any Python books that are availible,and where I might be able to purchase them?

One generally purchases books from a thing called "The Bookstore". There are even "bookstore"s online such as www.amazon.com.

Take a look at:
The Borders bookstore in my town generally has a fair selection of Python books. I use mostly online info and forum help for my learning process.

Thanks Vegaseat for the info, as for you Narue I think I know about book stores
A$$^01=,I was wondering if there was a specific book that I could buy because I have'nt seen any Python books at the BOOK STORES.

>as for you Narue I think I know about book stores
I try to assume a complete lack of intelligence and common sense in the people I help. That way I'm never surprised when they don't understand simple concepts.

>I was wondering if there was a specific book that I could buy
Learning Python, Programming Python, and the Python Cookbook should give you a good start.

>because I have'nt seen any Python books at the BOOK STORES
Well, if you haven't seen them, how could you buy them? Generally, bookstores tend to avoid hiding their inventory for the "worthy" customers. It hurts business.

Enough --------Smart One. O.K.

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I would recommend trying a book called Python for the Absolute Beginner. It teaches you Python through game programming and is fairly easy to understand. You can buy it on Amazon for about $20+s&h.

I would recommend trying a book called Python for the Absolute Beginner. It teaches you Python through game programming and is fairly easy to understand. You can buy it on Amazon for about $20+s&h.

I got the same book, I really like it. It is the perfect beginners book. It keeps you interested.

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