Hi i'm having trouble adding a if statement to my code i have these two files in the same folder mud.world effect and simmind, in effect i have this class EffectIllusion, and i use the portion illusionRace, i ive been trying to add a condition that when illusionRace is active or equals to "speeder" it will unmount something, speeder is a illusionRace you can call, my code all works just can't get this change to work...
if not mount0:
like i need to get if illusionRace

can't get it to work since there different files.. new to programming anyone help?


from mud.common.persistent import Persistent
from mud.world.core import *
from mud.world.damage import Damage,Heal
from mud.world.defines import *
import spell

from collections import defaultdict
from math import ceil,floor
from random import randint
from sqlobject import *
from time import time as sysTime
import traceback

   class EffectIllusion(Persistent):
    illusionModel = StringCol(default="")
    illusionAnimation = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureSingle = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureExtra = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureBody = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureHead = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureLegs = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureHands = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureFeet = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureArms = StringCol(default="")
    illusionSex = StringCol(default="")
    [B]illusionRace = StringCol(default="")[/B]
    illusionSndProfile = ForeignKey('SpawnSoundProfile',default=None)
    # if non-zero sets the illusion to a size rather than scaling (to do)
    illusionSize = FloatCol(default=0.0)

from tgenative import *
from mud.tgepython.console import TGEExport

from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.cred.credentials import UsernamePassword
from md5 import md5

from mud.simulation.shared.simdata import SpawnpointInfo,SimMobInfo,DialogTriggerInfo
from mud.simulation.simobject import SimObject,SimItem

from mud.world.effect import EffectIllusion
from mud.world.defines import *
from mud.world.core import CoreSettings
from mud.gamesettings import *
from mud.world.shared.vocals import *

# jelly
import mud.world.shared.worlddata

import os,sys
from traceback import print_exc
from math import radians,sqrt
from random import randint
import re
from itertools import chain

 def updateSimObjects(self):
        #mob infos
        doZombie = False
        self.zombieUpdateTimer -= 1
        if not self.zombieUpdateTimer:
            self.zombieUpdateTimer = 4
            doZombie = True
        simUpdates = []
        numinzone = NumPlayersInZone()
        dedicated = int(TGEGetGlobal("$Server::Dedicated"))
        for so in self.simObjects:
            if not so.brain:
            tgeObject = so.tgeObject
                sz = int(tgeObject.isSimZombie())
                if sz != so.simZombie:
                    if sz and so.wanderGroup == -1:
                    so.simZombie = sz
                    so.observer.callRemote('updateSimZombie', sz)
                if sz:
                    if dedicated and numinzone:
                        if so.wanderGroup <= 0:
                        if doZombie:
                        #so.updateTransform() #wandergroup
                conn = None
                if self.playerMobInfos.has_key(so.id):
                    if not so.spawnInfo.dirty:
                        for m in self.playerMobInfos[so.id]:
                            if m.dirty:
                        # Found no dirty mobinfo.
                    conn = self.playerConnections[so.id]
                    zombie = False
                    worstmove = 999999
                    worstSpeedMod = 999999
                    walk = False
                    bestvis = 0
                    bestseeinvis = 0
                    bestscale = 0
                    alldead = True
                    bestlight = 0
                    flying = 1
                    attacking = False
                    overrideScale = False
                    minfo = so.mobInfo
                    sinfo = so.spawnInfo
                    sinfo.dirty = False
                    tgeObject.role = minfo.ROLE
                    target = so.brain.target
                    for m in self.playerMobInfos[so.id]:
                        m.dirty = False
                        if m.DETACHED:
                        alldead = False
                        overrideScale = False
                        # Player, can only go as fast as slowest character in party.
                        if m.MOVE < worstmove:
                            worstmove = m.MOVE
                        if m.SPEEDMOD < worstSpeedMod:
                            worstSpeedMod = m.SPEEDMOD
                        if m.WALK:
                            walk = True
                        if m.SIZE > bestscale:
                            bestscale = m.SIZE
                        if m.SEEINVISIBLE > bestseeinvis:
                            bestseeinvis = m.SEEINVISIBLE
                        # Only as invisible as most invisible character in party.
                        if m.VISIBILITY > bestvis:
                            bestvis = m.VISIBILITY
                        if m.LIGHT > bestlight:
                            bestlight = m.LIGHT
                        if m.FLYING < flying:
                            flying = m.FLYING
                        if m.SLEEP:
                            worstmove = 0
                            worstSpeedMod = 0
                        if m.FEIGNDEATH:
                            worstmove = 0
                            worstSpeedMod = 0
                            flying = 0
                        if m.ATTACKING:
                            attacking = True
                        if not target and m.TGTID:
                            target = self.simLookup.get(m.TGTID,None)
                        if m.OVERRIDESCALE:
                            overrideScale = True
                    aggroRange = 100
                    if alldead:
                        move = 1
                        speedMod = 0
                        scale = 1
                        seeinvis = 0
                        vis = 1
                        flying = 0
                        move = worstmove
                        speedMod = worstSpeedMod
                        scale = bestscale
                        seeinvis = bestseeinvis
                        vis = bestvis
                    # Update the scale based on the default scale modifier (1.0).
                    # The scale modifier can be updated after the scale is properly 
                    # set, so that the scale is a multiplier from base model, and the
                    # modifier is a percent of the scale.
                    if overrideScale:
                        tgeObject.setScale("1.0 1.0 1.0")
                       tgeObject.setScale("%f %f %f"%(sinfo.scale, sinfo.scale, sinfo.scale))

                    if not so.mobInfo.dirty and not so.spawnInfo:
                    minfo = so.mobInfo
                    # Set varname for player pets (or previous ones),
                    #  now contains master info
                    if minfo.PLAYERPET or tgeObject.playerPet:
                    tgeObject.playerPet = minfo.PLAYERPET
                    # mob may change realm due to being a pet or breaking a charm
                    tgeObject.realm = minfo.REALM
                    minfo.dirty = False
                    sinfo = so.spawnInfo
                    sinfo.dirty = False
                    move = minfo.MOVE
                    speedMod = minfo.SPEEDMOD
                    walk = minfo.WALK
                    if minfo.SLEEP:
                        move = 0
                        speedMod = 0
                    scale = minfo.SIZE
                    seeinvis = minfo.SEEINVISIBLE
                    vis = minfo.VISIBILITY
                    bestlight = minfo.LIGHT
                    flying = minfo.FLYING
                    attacking = minfo.ATTACKING
                    zombie = minfo.ZOMBIE
                    target = self.simLookup.get(minfo.TGTID,None)
                    aggroRange = minfo.AGGRORANGE
                mount0 = minfo.MOUNT0
                mount1 = minfo.MOUNT1
                mount2 = minfo.MOUNT2
                mount3 = minfo.MOUNT3
                twohanded = minfo.TWOHANDED

[B]if not mount0:
                    if minfo.MOUNT0_MAT:

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All 4 Replies

First of all, rewrite your code with correct indent.
This is very significant in python and your code is very strangely indented (i'm surprised this works...)
class effectIllusion shouldn't be indented,
nor def updateSimObjects(self):
if not mount0: and following is inconsistent...

commented: i think i wouldn't post here if indentation is the issue code blocks mess that up +0

Its indention is proper in my IDE... its jus the copy and paste ... im not having problems with that


 if not mount0:
       if minfo.MOUNT0_MAT:     etc

code does not paste in correctly

class EffectIllusion(Persistent):
    illusionModel = StringCol(default="")
    illusionAnimation = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureSingle = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureExtra = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureBody = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureHead = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureLegs = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureHands = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureFeet = StringCol(default="")
    illusionTextureArms = StringCol(default="")
    illusionSex = StringCol(default="")
    illusionRace = StringCol(default="")

i really need help with this... code works fine is indention is proper, just need some help figureing out how to call illusionRace variable across 2 files...

Have you tried to call


I don't know what StringCol is and how you should use it but it certainly provides something like get() or getValue()...

No one has posted this because it is so obvious, and you probably know about it, but to eliminate the obvious...

class EffectIllusion:
   second_variable = "second test variable"
   def __init__(self):
      self.illusionRace = "***"

   def change_variable(self):
      self.illusionRace = "test of variable named illusionRace"

class SecondFile:
   def __init__(self):
        EI = EffectIllusion()
        print EI.illusionRace
        print EI.illusionRace

print "\n", EffectIllusion.second_variable 

SF = SecondFile()

And if you don't know about this, Google for class variable vs. object variable.

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