kingster113 0 Newbie Poster

A friend of mine is having problem with his C programming for his assignment. The question is as follows:

Write a program in C to computerize the billing system of a restaurant. The customer bill is charged
based on the following information:
• Assume that the restaurant offers the following menu (the price of each item for each adult is
shown to the right of the item):
1. Fish and Chips RM15.80
2. Spaghetti RM10.50
3. T-Bone Steak RM19.00
4. Chicken Chop RM14.00
5. Chicken Maryland RM12.00
6. Red Lobster RM22.00
7. Seafood Platter RM16.00
• The prices per person shown are inclusive of drinks. Children’s meals will cost 60% of adult
• A tax rate, currently 5%, is added to the total bill.
• User is able to input the new or edit items in the restaurant menu along with their prices.
• To attract more customers to this restaurant, the owner wants to give discount. This discount
depends on the amount of the total bill:
-If the bill is less than RM10.00, the discount is 0.5%.
-If the bill is at least RM10.00 but less than RM20.00, the discount is 1.0%.
-If the bill is at least RM20.00 but less than RM30.00, the discount is 1.5%.
-If the bill is at least RM30.00 but less RM40.00, the discount is 2%

The code so far for him is:


double price[7] = {15.80 , 10.50 , 19.00 , 14.00 , 12.00 , 22.00 , 16.00 };
double mealTaxPrices[7];
int adultNumber,childNumber;

void printMeals();
void orderMeals();
double orderForAdult();
double orderForChildren();
int main()
    char response = 'y';
     while(response == 'y'|| response == 'Y')
            printf("please enter number of adults  :");
            printf("please enter number of children:");
            printf("\nwould you like to continue(y/n):");
 printf("\n      ******************** THANK YOU FOR COMING  *************************\n");
 printf("\20**********************   PLEASE VISIT US NEXT TIME  **************************\20 \n");
   return 0;

void printMeals()
      printf("\20*******************  WELCOME TO HADRAMOUT RESTURANT **************************\20\n");
      printf(" \t\t\t Below is the menue:\20\n");
      printf(" \t\t\t MEALS\t\t\tPRICE:\n");
      printf(" \t\t\t \22*******************************\22\n");
      printf(" \t\t\t 1- Fish and Chips\tRM15.80\n");
      printf(" \t\t\t 2- Spaghetti\t\tRM10.50\n");
      printf(" \t\t\t 3- T-Bone Steak\tRM19.00\n");
      printf(" \t\t\t 4- Chicken Chop\tRM14.00\n");
      printf(" \t\t\t 5- Chicken Maryland\tRM12.00\n");
      printf(" \t\t\t 6- Red Lobster\t\tRM22.00\n");
      printf(" \t\t\t 7- Seafood Platter\tRM16.00\n");
void orderMeals()
	double totalPriceForAdult, totalPriceForChildren;
	double allPayment,discount;
         printf("                      \t\t**** ORDER MENUE****\n");  
        totalPriceForAdult =  orderForAdult();
        totalPriceForChildren = orderForChildren();
		allPayment = totalPriceForAdult + totalPriceForChildren ;
     printf("\n \t\t     \22**************************************\22    \n");
     printf(" \t\t   ******************  final BILL   ************      \n");
     printf(" \t\t\tadult/child\tcount\t\ttotal price\n");
     printf(" \t\t\tadults\t\t%d\t\t%5.2f\n",adultNumber,totalPriceForAdult);
     printf(" \t\t\tchildren\t%d\t\t%5.2f\n",childNumber,totalPriceForChildren);
     printf(" \t\t\tTotal bill\t\t\t%5.2f\n",allPayment );
     if(allPayment < 10)
		 discount=((allPayment * 0.5)/100);
     else if(allPayment>= 10 && allPayment<20)
          discount=((allPayment * 1)/100);
     else if(allPayment>= 20 && allPayment<30)
          discount=((allPayment * 1.5)/100);
     else if(allPayment>= 30 && allPayment<40)
          discount=((allPayment * 2.0)/100);
		  discount= ((allPayment * 5.0)/100);

          printf(" \t\t\tTotal bill after discount\t%5.2f\n",allPayment-discount);

double orderForAdult()
     int menuOption,i,amount;
      char response = 'y';
      double totalPerPerson = 0.0,totalAllPerson = 0.0;
      double tax = 5.0;
      if(adultNumber <=0)
		   printf("\n ");
               printf("adult %d please enter your orders\n",i+1);
               while(response == 'y' || response == 'Y')
                              printf("please enter your option:");
							  if(menuOption<1 || menuOption>7)
								  printf("sorry we don`t have this order \nagain! ");
                              printf("please enter your amount of order:");
                           totalPerPerson = totalPerPerson + (amount * price[menuOption - 1] );
                              printf("\nWould you like to enter more orders(y/n):");
               totalAllPerson += totalAllPerson +  totalPerPerson;
               totalPerPerson = 0.0;
               response = 'y';
     return totalAllPerson + ((totalAllPerson * tax) / 100);
double orderForChildren()
       int menuOption,i,amount;
      char response = 'y';
      double totalPerChild = 0.0,totalAllChildren = 0.0;
      double tax = 5.0,oneOrder;
       if(childNumber <=0)
               printf("child %d please enter your orders\n",i+1);
               while(response == 'y' || response == 'Y')
                              printf("please enter your option:");
							  if(menuOption<1 || menuOption>7)
								  printf("sorry we don`t have this order \nagain! ");
                              printf("please enter your amount of order:");
                              oneOrder = (price[menuOption - 1] * 60)/100 ;//this one order for a child with discount %60 of one order of adult
                              totalPerChild = totalPerChild + (amount * oneOrder)  ;
							  printf("Would you like to enter more orders(y/n):");
               totalAllChildren += totalAllChildren +  totalPerChild;
               response = 'y';
               totalPerChild = 0.0;
     return totalAllChildren + ((totalAllChildren * tax) / 100);

the problem is all about how he can let the user to edit the entered data for the childes and adults , and how he can display the prices for every one. the most important is how he can lit the user to edit what her ordered. Or if anyone of you think there is a better way to improve the process of this code, your help is much appreciated.

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