Niner710 0 Light Poster


I am trying to understand the concept of clone with respect to making a deep copy of an object. The class Bmapfile is an abstract class in which other subclasses will inherit from. I am not sure what to put into the doObjCopy function in Class BaseClass.
I want to be able to make a deep copy of the object "base" when I pass it into the doObjCopy function, but base will contain a shared pointer to Class BmapFile which is an abstract class. Since,
I can't do this to make a deep copy....

bmap_ptr myBmapFile = bmap_ptr(new BmapFile);
*myBmapfile =  *base.myBmapfile;

I wanted to know how to preserve Class BmapFile as abstract and make a deep copy in doObjCopy. I read about doing "clone" online, but am not really sure how to implement it in this context. Can anyone help? Thanks.

typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<BmapFile> bmap_ptr;
class BaseClass
     bmap_ptr myBmapFile;
     doObjCopy(const BaseClass &base)
           //not sure how to implement clone here

class BmapFile
  virtual bool addStuff(int *blah)=0;
  int a, b, c;
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