SapAuthor 0 Newbie Poster

Hey all, i'm really confused what the heck is going on my program. It is a simple program that loops through an array of ints and finds the minimum. Here's the snippet of the code:

loopBody:	mov bh, [edx][esi]  ;Assigns element to bh to compare.
			cmp bh, bl		; loops through, compares current min to next array element
			jl setMin			;If less than, then initiates setMin
contLoop:	add esi, 4			;Increments esi by 4 for next array element
			loop loopBody		;back to loop top
			jmp theEnd			;if loop is done, go to theEnd
setMin:		push ebx			;saves ebx, containing bl (min) and bh (comparison)
			mov bl, bh			;sets new min
			mov bh, 0			;zeroes out bh so memory ebx is bl			
			mov [eax], ebx		;move edx value to eax
			pop ebx				;gathers min and comparison agian
			mov bl, bh			;sets bl to new min since overwritten, continues.
			jmp contLoop		;go back to loop

I'm watching the registers. I entered a 5 value array as followed:

It works fine, but when it has 150, ebx = 00009664 (bh = 96 and bl = 64) but the cmp bh, bl shows true for this statement and calls the jl statement. I can't make heads or tails of it. Anyone know what's going on?

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