Tales 0 Light Poster

Hello, can anyone help me to finish this code?

ref class data_XML{
	int service_code;
	wchar_t* name;
	wchar_t* address;
	wchar_t* phone;
	wchar_t* fax;
	wchar_t* web_page;
	wchar_t* city;
	wchar_t* additional_info;
	wchar_t* specialty;
	wchar_t* sub_specialty;
	data_XML^ next_XML;
	// Constructor
	void next(data_XML^ next){ this->next_XML= next; }

	virtual String^ ToString() override{
		String^ pointer = gcnew String(nombre);
		return pointer;

Basically what I need is to finish te constructor because i'm not sure if i need to do something like gcnew data_XML(); when i call it.
In my main function i have

data_XML myFirstXML;
data_XML^ myNextXML;

I don't know if it's right or wrong the way it is right now. Question: how do I add the 3rd elemento? Thanks for your help :D