Hi i'm having some trouble getting my head around this assignment...
which is :
Design, write and test a program to print a table of factorials. The program should read in two values: a maximum factorial value and a minimum factorial value.
It must then print a table, as illustrated below, with one column for the factorial number, one column for the factorial expression and a third column showing the result. The program must produce this table from maximum factorial value to the minimum factorial value; e.g. if the maximum factorial value is 5 and the minimum factorial value is 3 the program produces a table like the following:
Factorial value Factorial Expression Result
5! 5*4*3*2*1 120
4! 4*3*2*1 24
3! 3*2*1 6
The program must repeatedly ask the user to input data and print a table of factorials, as illustrated above, until the user decides to exit the program.
so far i have been succesfull in creating the table reading in a maximum and min factorial and creating a list downwards to the left
what im finding hard is placing the 5*4*3 etc into the middle column
here is my code so far
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
// defining and initialising variables
int max , factorial;
int min=0;
//enters a maximum factorial
printf("Please enter a Maximum Factorial:");
scanf("%d", &max);
//enters a minimum factorial
printf("\nPlease enter a Minimum factorial:");
scanf("%d", &min);
//handles an input error
if (max>min)
printf("\nyou have entered an invalid number\n");
printf("\nFactorial Value Factorial expression Factorial Result");
//creating a list from max to min factorials
while ( factorial>=min){
printf("\n%d!" ,max);
if anyone could help it would be hugely appreciated