CanYouHandstand 0 Light Poster

Hi All

I've just been learning about events in delphi. I'm writing a program to communicate with a serial device that reads pressure data. Currently the program has been written with a separate thread to read the data, and when a complete data string is found, an event is called with the results. The current architecture is as below (excuse the drawing).


                        /              \
                      /                 \
                    /                     \
       -------------------	      -------------------	
       Pressure Meter	      Logging Thread

       --------------------      ---------------------

A copy of the pressure meter object is passed to the Logging Thead object so that it can log. I am able to create an event that Unit_Pressure picks up, but I was wondering, is it possible to pass this event to the main form? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!



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