Um num num 0 Newbie Poster

Hello pplz
I’m just starting to play around with the arraylists and GUI a bit and I’m having trouble figuring out how to access the arraylist and display it.
This is what I got so far for when the add to arraylist button is clicked I’m not shore if it’s correct

public class ArrayListE implements ActionListener{
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent et){

CurrentFi= new Fi(txtOne.getText(),Double.parseDouble(txtTwo.getText));
aL.add(CurrentFi);	//aL is the arrayList


public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent et){
			NewC nC = new NewC(aL);
			nC.setVisible(true);	//opens up a new form

I want to have a textfield in the new form which u type in the index number then click the button and the txtOne and txtTwo are displayed in their own textfield.
I hope that explains what I’m trying to do
I’ll clarify more if needed my English isn’t the best

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