this function needs to ask for a persons name, phone number, and email. BUT it only needs to do this once at a time because it returns to a menu and asks if they want to add more people. I need a way to increment count by 1 each time it re-enters the void function. I was thinking of a for loop in the main, but idk how or if that would work

void add(char name[][32],char number[][9],char email[][32],int PEOPLE)
    int count;

        cout << "enter their name\n";
        cin >> name[count];
        cout << "enter their number\n";
        cin >> number[count];
        cout << "enter their email\n";
        cin >> email[count];


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PM MattyRobot he made be able to help you!

nevermind i figured it out. used an if statement in the main! thanks for looking

void add(char name[][32],char email[][32],int people){
int x=1,count=0;
cout<<"Do you want to add more people's info?(0)No,(1)Yes";

This should do..

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