the values are not being passed correctly, in my constructor i copy the value of d to decimalNum and the value of b to base. when i run the program the values are 0. what am i doing wrong?:

baseType::baseType(int b, int d)
    base = b;
    decimalNum = d;

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You're calling the default constructor, not the two argument constructor:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class baseType

  void decToBase(int num, int base);
  void print();
  baseType(int b, int d);


  int decimalNum;
  int base;

int main()
  int d;
  int b;

  cout << "Enter number in decimal and the Base to Convert: ";
  cin >> d >> b;
  baseType myBase(b, d);
  cout << endl;
  myBase.decToBase(d, b);

  return 0;

void baseType::print()
  cout << "Decimal " << decimalNum << " = ";
  //	decToBase(decimalNum, base);
  cout << " in Base " << base << endl;

void baseType::decToBase(int num, int base)
  if (num > 0)
    string digit="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    decToBase(num / base, base);
    cout << digit[num % base];

baseType::baseType(int b, int d)
  base = b;
  decimalNum = d;

  decimalNum = 0;
  base = 0;

Why don't you use the parameterized constructor?

int main()
	int d;
	int b;

	cout << "Enter number in decimal and the Base to Convert: ";
	cin >> d >> b;
	cout << endl;
	baseType myBase(d,b);
	myBase.decToBase(d, b);

	return 0;

thank you. tried your suggestion and it worked

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