ilove2smoke 0 Newbie Poster

Dear other forum members,

I'm writing a script for my homework, but I'm scratching all over my head and still can't figure out what I did wrong. I appreciate if anyone of you can point out my errors. I thank you in advance.

-bash-3.2$ cat payinfo
#This shell script compiles two types of data files into two temporary files:
#$depts and $payroll
#It matches the employee IDs from the two files
#and extracts the regular/overtime worked hours and pay rates
#to calculate each employees' total wages earned
#from January to June 2004
#It generates an error message and excludes an employee from the calculation
#if the ID does not exist in both files
#It calculates the total number of employee paid and the total regular/overtime
#paid out amount in the end
#usage: payinfo -d directory_with_data_files
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "payinfo:ERROR: at least teo arguments required"
echo "usage: payinfo -d directory_with_data_files"
exit 1

if [ ! -d "$2" -o ! -r "$2" -o ! -x "$2" ]; then
echo "payinfo:ERROR: '$2' is not a directory or does not have appropriate permissions (rx)"
echo "usage: payinfo -d directory_with_data_files"
exit 1

cat "$dir"/0[1-6][0-3][0-9]04 > $payroll

cat "$dir"/[DE][0-9][0-9] > $depts
cat "$dir"/[DE][0-9][0-9][0-9] >> $depts

empid=$(cat $payroll | sort -nu | cut -d# -f1)
totalhrpay=0; totalotpay=0
for emp in $empid; do
line1=$(grep "^.*:.*:$emp:" $depts)
line2=$(grep "^$emp#" $payroll)
name=$(echo $line1 | cut -d: -f1)
if echo "$line1" | cut -d: -f3 >/dev/null; then
payrate=$(echo $line1 | cut -d: -f4)
overtime=$(echo $line1 | cut -d: -f5)
hours=$(echo $line2 | cut -d\# -f2)
for hour in $hours; do
((totalhr = totalhr + hour))
othours=$(echo $line2 | cut -d\# -f3)
for othour in $othours; do
((totalot = totalot + othour))
hourpay=$(echo "scale=2; $totalhr*$payrate" | bc)
otpay=$(echo "scale=2; $totalot*$overtime" | bc)
emppay=$(echo "scale=2; $hourpay+$otpay" | bc)
echo "Employee #$emp ($name) earned $"$emppay" during the period"
((totalhrpay = totalhrpay + hourpay))

# totalhrpay=$(echo "scale=2; $totalhrpay+$hourpay" | bc)
# totalotpay=$(echo "scale=2; $totalotpay+$otpay" | bc)
echo "payinfo:ERROR: Employee $emp is not listed in the Department files" >&2

echo "************ TOTALS ***************"
echo "Employees paid: $count"
echo "Regular pay: $totalhrpay"
echo "Overtime pay: $totalotpay"

******** Data File *************
-bash-3.2$ payinfo -d /pub/cs/gboyd/cs160b/asmt04/payroll
Employee #53 (Stevens,Daran) earned $621.00 during the period
Employee #91 (Wilson,Fred P) earned $1032.00 during the period
Employee #181 (Bennett,Fina) earned $1958.40 during the period
Employee #200 (Doenitz,Erick) earned $45.80 during the period
Employee #333 (Haskett,Phil) earned $370.50 during the period
Employee #342 (Zulo,Giorgio) earned $228.00 during the period
Employee #435 () earned $syntax error on line 1, during the period
Employee #584 (Pinkerton,Tom) earned $172.00 during the period
Employee #732 (Roberts,Julie) earned $478.00 during the period
Employee #773 (Doe,Annie) earned $272.30 during the period
Employee #784 (Peabody,Connie) earned $970.00 during the period
Employee #833 (Markowitz,Rob) earned $823.50 during the period
Employee #834 (Juliano,Clio) earned $480.00 during the period
Employee #982 (Banshee,Suzy) earned $538.00 during the period
Employee #1012 (Fostner,Alice) earned $178.00 during the period
Employee #1333 (Jones,Grace) earned $900.40 during the period
Employee #1784 (Adams,Gomez) earned $264.00 during the period
Employee #1818 (Cow,Holy) earned $220.00 during the period
Employee #2000 (Sanders,Colonel) earned $672.00 during the period
Employee #2834 (Anzhenila,Fred) earned $525.00 during the period
Employee #3421 (Johnson,JH) earned $319.20 during the period
Employee #3877 (Penske,Jim) earned $28.00 during the period
Employee #5584 (Hoosis,Jacob) earned $506.00 during the period
Employee #6435 (Gonzales,Carlos) earned $594.00 during the period
Employee #7322 (Charles,Master) earned $640.00 during the period
Employee #7731 (Andrews,Jamal) earned $400.00 during the period
Employee #8333 (Doe,John) earned $740.00 during the period
Employee #98221 (Helricht,Abel) earned $145.00 during the period
************ TOTALS ***************

************ Output **************
Employees paid: 28
Regular pay: syntax error on line 1,
Overtime pay: syntax error on line 1,

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