EdwardS 0 Newbie Poster

Hey everyone,

A root-to-leaf path in a tree is defined to be a sequence of nodes starting from the root node and proceeding downwards to a leaf.Required that given a tree, output the tree after reversing all root-to-leaf paths.

For the following tree:
root = 5
root.right = 8, root.left = 4
root.right.right = 4, root.right.left = 13, root.left.left = 11
root.right.left.right = 1, root.left.left.right = 2, root.left.left.left = 7

The output tree is:
root = 4
root.right = 13, root.left = 4
root.right.right = 1, root.right.left = 8, root.left.left = 11
root.right.left.right = 2, root.left.left.right = 7, root.left.left.left = 5

I think it would be useful to use linked lists to store the paths, but the code I wrote doesn't work and I don't know what its problem is.
Any suggestions?Thanks in advance.

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