Im trying to make the run.bat file read the .class files from the folder classes/src. But before I didn't package my .java files and the created .class files were found in /classes. But now that I packaged my .java files, the newly created .class files are being read from inside the folder classes/src. And when I take them out from there I get an error.

this is what I have in the run.bat

@echo off
title Run

java -Xmx500M -cp .;./classes/; server


How can I make it read from classes/src?

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I'm no expert on bat files, but I would suggest changing the line that reads: java -Xmx500M -cp .;./classes/; server to: java -Xmx500M -cp .;./classes/src/; server and see if that fixes your problem.

Thanks I already solved this problem.

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