elmbrook 0 Newbie Poster


I am trying to add an image to a listview box. I have the below code and according to me this should work. However, the image does not show at all. I can add an image when I manually add each item but not when I add the items as an array.

Can someone please tell me what is going wrong?

this.lstUser.View = View.Details;
this.lstUser.GridLines = true;
lstUser.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.None;
lstUser.Columns[0].Width = lstUser.Width - 4;
mydb thedb = new mydb(); //Executes the SQL statement
SqlDataReader thereader = null;
string _user = "";
ArrayList myarray = new ArrayList();
string _sql = "select * from sysUser order by LogName";
thereader = thedb.SQLExecute_Reader(_sql);
if ((thereader != null) && (thereader.HasRows == true))
while (thereader.Read())
 _user = thereader["logname"].ToString();
 myarray.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { _user }));
if (thereader != null)
{ thereader.Close(); }
// Create two ImageList objects.
ImageList imageListSmall = new ImageList();
ImageList imageListLarge = new ImageList();
// Initialize the ImageList objects with bitmaps.
           imageListSmall.Images.Add(Bitmap.FromFile(myglobal_properties.FP1 + @"media\\image\\user.bmp"));
            imageListSmall.Images.Add(Bitmap.FromFile(myglobal_properties.FP1 + @"media\\image\\user.bmp"));
            imageListLarge.Images.Add(Bitmap.FromFile(myglobal_properties.FP1 + @"media\\image\\user.bmp"));
          imageListLarge.Images.Add(Bitmap.FromFile(myglobal_properties.FP1 + @"media\\image\\user.bmp"));

//Assign the ImageList objects to the ListView.
this.lstUser.LargeImageList = imageListLarge;
this.lstUser.SmallImageList = imageListSmall;

When I add the items manually the image works.

ListViewItem item1 = new ListViewItem("aaa", 0);
ListViewItem item2 = new ListViewItem("bbb", 1);
ListViewItem item3 = new ListViewItem("ccc", 0);

//Add the items to the ListView.
this.lstUser.Items.AddRange(new ListViewItem[] { item1, item2, item3 });

Any help is appreciated