im writing this program for an intro to c class, I was wondering if anyone knows whats wrong with this code? it says theres an error with the first else, if i take the curly brackets out it says theres a problem with all 3 else's. Thanks.

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()

	int sd1, sd2, sd3;
	printf("Please enter the first length: \n");
	scanf("%d%*c", &sd1);
	printf("Please enter the second length: \n");
	scanf("%d%*c", &sd2);
	printf("Please enter the third length: \n");
	scanf("%d%*c", &sd3);
	if (sd1+sd2<sd3||sd2+sd3<sd1||sd1+sd3<sd2);
		printf ("This is not a triangle");
		if (sd1==sd2&&sd2==sd3);
			printf ("Equilateral Triangle");
			if (sd1==sd2||sd2==sd3||sd1==sd3);
				printf ("Isoselecs Triangle");
				printf ("Scalene Triangle");
	return (0);
Salem commented: Nice - code tags on your first post :) +20

> if (sd1+sd2<sd3||sd2+sd3<sd1||sd1+sd3<sd2);
Watch the birdie!

commented: quick and painless +7

> if (sd1+sd2<sd3||sd2+sd3<sd1||sd1+sd3<sd2);
Watch the birdie!

i dont understand the semi colon was already there? what do you mean by watch the birdie?

ok i understand thank you

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