My goal is to implement a sorting into a linked list. I have everything working thus far, but I'm a bit stumped as to how I need to change my insert function in order for an element to be placed in the appropriate location.

Here's my code thus far:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <class DataType>
struct Node {
	DataType info;
	Node<DataType> *next;

// LinkedList maintains a current position in list after each function call
// If an object of a struct is used for DataType, the == operator must be 
// overloaded for it; the left and right operands are both DataType objects
// the == comparison is used for finding elements, usually by key value
// For find, retrieve and remove functions, if you are using an object as an element, a 
// typical use would be to set the key of the desired object to find or remove, then pass 
// the object into the function.
// The constructor, copy constructor, overloaded assignment operator, and insert function
// can throw an exception if out of heap memory.

template <class DataType>
class LinkedList
	LinkedList( );
	LinkedList( const LinkedList<DataType> & aplist );
	~LinkedList( );
	LinkedList<DataType> & operator =( const LinkedList<DataType> & rlist );
	void insert( const DataType & element ); // no current position after use
	bool first( DataType & listEl );	  // returns first element of list in listEl
	// and current position is set to this element; 
	// if list is empty, returns false and there is
	// no current position; otherwise, returns true
	inline bool getNext( DataType & listEl );	  // retrieves the next element of a linked list
	// beyond the last element that was retrieved
	// by first or getNext functions and returns
	// it in listEl;
	// current position is set to this element.
	// if no element exists at this position, 
	// getNext returns false and there is no 
	// current position; returns true otherwise	
	bool find ( const DataType & element );  // returns true if element is found
	// returns false if element is not found
	// if found, found element becomes current
	// position in list; if not found, there is
	// no current position
	bool retrieve( DataType & element );  // like find, except returns found element
	bool replace( const DataType & newElement ); // replaces element at current position 
	// in list with newElement; returns false if
	// there is no current position (no list 
	// modification occurs); returns true otherwise 
	bool remove( DataType & element );    // returns true if element is found
	// returns false if element is not found
	// if found, element is set to found element;
	// no current position after use
	bool isEmpty( ) const;				  // returns true if linked list is empty
	// returns false otherwise; current position
	// unchanged
	void makeEmpty( );					  // no current position
	Node<DataType> *start;
	Node<DataType> *current;			  // points to node at current position	
	inline void deepCopy( const LinkedList<DataType> & original );

template <class DataType>
LinkedList<DataType>::LinkedList( )
	start = current = NULL;

template <class DataType>
LinkedList<DataType>::LinkedList( const LinkedList<DataType> & aplist )
	deepCopy( aplist );

template <class DataType>
LinkedList<DataType>::~LinkedList( )
	makeEmpty( );

template <class DataType>
LinkedList<DataType> & LinkedList<DataType>::operator =( const LinkedList<DataType> & rlist )
	if ( this == &rlist )
		return *this;
	makeEmpty( );
	deepCopy( rlist );
	return *this;

// inserts at the beginning of the linked list
// no current position after use		
template <class DataType>
void LinkedList<DataType>::insert( const DataType & element )
	current = NULL;
	Node<DataType> *newNode = new Node<DataType>;
	Node<DataType> *ptr = start;
	newNode->info = element;

	if ( start == NULL ){
		newNode->next = start;
		start = newNode;

	while(ptr->info !=
		ptr = ptr->next;

// returns first element of list in listEl and current position is set to this element; 
// if list is empty, returns false and there is no current position; 
// otherwise, returns true
template <class DataType>
bool LinkedList<DataType>::first( DataType & listEl )
	if ( start == NULL ) 
		return false;

	current = start;
	listEl = start->info;
	return true;

// retrieves the next element of a linked list beyond the last element that was retrieved
// by first or getNext functions and returns it in listEl;
// current position is set to this element.
// if no element exists at this position, getNext returns false and there is no 
// current position; returns true otherwise	
template <class DataType>
inline bool LinkedList<DataType>::getNext( DataType & listEl )				  
	if ( current == NULL ) 
		return false;
	if ( current->next == NULL ) {
		current = NULL;
		return false;

	current = current->next;
	listEl = current->info;
	return true;

// returns true if element is found; returns false if element is not found
// if found, found element becomes current position in list; 
// if not found, there is no current position
template <class DataType>
bool LinkedList<DataType>::find( const DataType & element )
	DataType item;
	if ( !first( item ) )
		return false;
	do if ( item == element ) 
			return true;
	while ( getNext( item ) );

	return false;

// returns true if element is found; returns false if element is not found
// if found, found element becomes current position in list; 
// if not found, there is no current position
template <class DataType>
bool LinkedList<DataType>::retrieve( DataType & element )
	if ( !find( element ) )
		return false;
	element = current->info;
	return true;

// replaces element at current position in list with newElement; 
// returns false if there is no current position (no list modification occurs); 
// returns true otherwise 
template <class DataType>
bool LinkedList<DataType>::replace( const DataType & newElement ) 
	if ( current == NULL )
		return false;
	current->info = newElement;
	return true;

// returns true if element is found; returns false if element is not found
// if found, element is set to found element;
// no current position after use
template <class DataType>
bool LinkedList<DataType>::remove( DataType & element )
	current = NULL;
	if ( start == NULL )
		return false;
	Node<DataType> *ptr = start;
	if ( ptr->info == element ) {
		element = ptr->info;
		start = start->next;
		delete ptr;
		return true;
	while ( ptr->next != NULL ) {
		if ( ptr->next->info == element ) {
			Node<DataType> *tempPtr = ptr->next;
			element = tempPtr->info;
			ptr->next = tempPtr->next;
			delete tempPtr;
			return true;
		ptr = ptr->next;

	return false;

template <class DataType>
bool LinkedList<DataType>::isEmpty( ) const				  
	return start == NULL;

template <class DataType>
void LinkedList<DataType>::makeEmpty( )					  
	while ( start != NULL ) {
		current = start;
		start = start->next;
		delete current;

	current = NULL;

template <class DataType>
inline void LinkedList<DataType>::deepCopy( const LinkedList<DataType> & original )
	start = current = NULL;
	if ( original.start == NULL )
	Node<DataType> *copyptr = start = new Node<DataType>;
	Node<DataType> *originalptr = original.start;
	copyptr->info = originalptr->info;
	if ( originalptr == original.current )
		current = copyptr;
	while ( originalptr->next != NULL ) {
		originalptr = originalptr->next;
		copyptr->next = new Node<DataType>;
		copyptr = copyptr->next;
		copyptr->info = originalptr->info;
		if ( originalptr == original.current )
			current = copyptr;
	copyptr->next = NULL;


My goal is to implement a sorting into a linked list. I have everything working thus far, but I'm a bit stumped as to how I need to change my insert function in order for an element to be placed in the appropriate location.

First you have to have some way of comparing two DataType elements and deciding whether one is less than the other, so if you have not written < and > operators for DataType, write them.

After you have them, in your insert function, you traverse through the linked list till you get to the "appropriate location", which in a low-to-high list will be when you reach an element in the list that is greater than the element you are inserting. Go through the list till you find that element, then insert the new element in front of that element.

You also need to be able to insert an element that is bigger than everything in the list (insert it at the tail) or smaller than everything in the list (insert it at the head). If the list is high-to-low, it's the same logic, but backwards (you go through the list till you find an element that is less than the element you are inserting.

So to insert an element into a sorted list, you must be able to:

  1. Compare any two elements and decide which is greater.
  2. Insert into an empty list.
  3. Insert at the front.
  4. Insert at the end.
  5. Insert in the middle.

Figure out where you need to insert by traversing the list and comparing, then insert it.

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