Everytime btnSendClick is execute, 2 messages will be added to the rich edit.

The first needs to be of fixed values (BOLD, size 8 etc)
The second needs to be changable by the user using a FontDialog box.

This is my below code, but it doesnt quite work, it pretty much just ignores my FIXED settings!!!

Help me please

procedure TfrmMain.btnSendClick(Sender: TObject);               //send message
  edChat.SelAttributes.Name := 'Tahoma';                        //assign to set values
  edChat.SelAttributes.Style := [fsBold];                       //assign to set values
  edChat.SelAttributes.Size := 8;                               //assign to set values
  edChat.SelAttributes.Color := clWindowText;                   //assign to set values
  edChat.Lines.Add(DateTimeToStr(now)+' '+UserName+' says:');   //date time and user name says
  edChat.Font := FontDialog1.Font;                              //assign to user values
  edChat.SelAttributes.Style := FontDialog1.Font.Style;         //assign to user values
  edChat.SelAttributes.Size := FontDialog1.Font.Size;           //assign to user values
  edChat.SelAttributes.Color := FontDialog1.Font.Color;         //assign to user values
  edChat.Lines.Add(edText.Text);                                //display text
  edText.Text := '';                                            //clear edit box
edChat.Font := FontDialog1.Font;                              //assign to user values

This is the line that is causing my problem, now to find the SIMPLE solution haha

SelAttributes.Name := FontDialog1.Font.Name;

Told you it would be a simple solution, very silly mistake, won't be making that one in a hurry lol new to these properties :)

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