I have a program where the cout "ing" a string misses the beginning letter of the string. I have made it so that there are 3 options to input/output the information. The "missing" letter in the string is ONLY evident in option 1; option 2 and option 3 does not have any issues. What am I doing wrong?

Here is my code:

// Joseph Yong
// CSC2430
// Homework_6

//Header File

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Bible
	Bible(string nam, int chapt, int vers, string testa, string txt);

	void setName(string nam);
	void setChapter(int chapt);
	void setVerse(int vers);
	void setTestament(string testa);
	void setText(string txt);
	void setSetup1(string nam, int chapt, int vers, string testa);
	void setInput();

	string getName();
	int getChapter();
	int getVerse();
	string getTestament();
	string getText();

	void write1();
	void write2();

	string name, testament, text;
	int chapter, verse;
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include "Bible.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
	Bible bib;
	int answer;
	string nam, testa, txt;
	int chapt, vers; 

	cout << "How would you like to enter in the information for the Bible verse? (1, 2, or 3): " << endl << setw(7) << "1) One by one" <<
		endl << setw(7) << "2) All at once" << endl << "3) Everything without the verse contents" << endl;
	cin >> answer;

	if(answer == 1)
		cout << "\n1) One at a time" << endl;
		cout << "Please enter the name of the book: ";
		getline(cin, nam);
		cout << "Please enter the chapter of the book: ";
		cin >> chapt;
		cout << "Please enter the verse of the chapter: ";
		cin >> vers;
		cout << "Please enter the testament of the book: ";
		getline(cin, testa);
		cout << "Please enter the contents of the verse: ";
		getline(cin, txt);

		cout << "\n\n";
		cout << "\n\n";
		else if(answer == 2)
			cout << "\n2) All at once" << endl;

			cout << "\n\n";
			cout << "\n\n";
			else if(answer == 3)
				cout << "\n3) Everything without the verse contents" << endl;
				cout << "Please enter the name of the book: ";
				getline(cin, nam);
				cout << "Please enter the chapter of the book: ";
				cin >> chapt;
				cout << "Please enter the verse of the chapter: ";
				cin >> vers;
				cout << "Please enter the testament of the book: ";
				getline(cin, testa);
				bib.setSetup1(nam, chapt, vers, testa);

				cout << "\n\n";
				cout << "\n\n";
	return 0;
// Joseph Yong
// CSC2430
// Homework 6

//Implementation File
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Bible.h"

using namespace std;

	name = "";
	chapter = 0;
	verse = 0;
	testament = "";
	text = "";

Bible::Bible(string nam, int chapt, int vers, string testa, string txt) //Initialize to any size
	name = nam;
	chapter = chapt;
	verse = vers;
	testament = testa;
	text = txt;

void Bible::setName(string nam)
	name = nam;						//Change the string value of name

void Bible::setChapter(int chapt)
	chapter = chapt;				//Change the int value of chapter
void Bible::setVerse(int vers)
	verse = vers;					//Change the int value of verse

void Bible::setTestament(string testa)
	testament = testa;				//Change the string value of testament

void Bible::setText(string txt)
	text = txt;						//Change the string value of text

void Bible::setSetup1(string nam, int chapt, int vers, string testa)
	name = nam;
	chapter = chapt;				//Changes all data members
	verse = vers;
	testament = testa;				

void Bible::setInput()
	cout << "Enter the book name, chapter, and verse: ";
	cin >> name >> chapter >> verse;
	cout << "Enter in the testament: ";
	getline(cin, testament);
	cout << "Enter in the contents of the verse: ";
	getline(cin, text);

string Bible::getName()
	return name;

int Bible::getChapter()
	return chapter;

int Bible::getVerse()
	return verse;

string Bible::getTestament()
	return testament;

string Bible::getText()
	return text;

void Bible::write1()
	cout << name << " " << chapter << ":" << verse << " " << testament << endl;
	cout << text;

Recommended Answers

All 3 Replies

Here is my output for option 1:

How would you like to enter in the information for the Bible verse? (1, 2, or 3)
1) One by one
2) All at once
3) Everything without the verse contents

1) One at a time
Please enter the name of the book: John
Please enter the chapter of the book: 1
Please enter the verse of the chapter: 1
Please enter the testament of the book: New Testament
Please enter the contents of the verse: Test is the test is the test

John 1:1 New Testament
est is the test is the test

Press any key to continue . . .

I think one of the cin.ignores throws the first letter of "Test is the test is the test" away. Please try to reproduce the error with minimum amount of code so people can quickly find what's wrong.

That did it! Thank you :)

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