I'm having a bit of trouble with dynamic_casting. I need to determine at runtime the type of an object. Here is a demo:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class PersonClass
  std::string Name;
  virtual void test(){}; //it is annoying that this has to be here...

class LawyerClass : public PersonClass
  void GoToCourt(){};

class DoctorClass : public PersonClass
  void GoToSurgery(){};

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  PersonClass* person = new PersonClass;
    person = dynamic_cast<LawyerClass*>(person);
    person = dynamic_cast<DoctorClass*>(person);

  return 0;

I would like to do the above. The only legal way I found to do it is to define all of the objects before hand:

PersonClass* person = new PersonClass;
  LawyerClass* lawyer;
  DoctorClass* doctor;
    lawyer = dynamic_cast<LawyerClass*>(person);
    doctor = dynamic_cast<DoctorClass*>(person);

The main problem with this (besides having to define a bunch of objects that won't be use) is that I have to change the name of the 'person' variable. Is there a better way?



I don't really understand what your plan is... but if I am correct this should be equivalent and clean:

class PersonClass
  std::string Name;
  virtual void GoToWork(){}; // Or GoToJob, whatever suits you

class LawyerClass : public PersonClass
  void GoToWork(){ cout << "Going to Court"; }

class DoctorClass : public PersonClass
  void GoToWork(){ cout << "Going to surgery"; }

int main()
     PersonClass* person = new LawyerClass;
     person->GoToWork();  // prints: Going to Court

As long as you reference person through a pointer or a reference it will 'know' that person is a Lawyer.

Besides that you now have a much cleaner interface (same function no matter what type the object is) you also got rid of your dynamic_cast. dynamic_casts really should be used with care, if you think you need it.. think twice: you probably don't.
There are uses of course but mostly there are better alternatives.

Thanks thelamb, that is exactly the behavior I am going for. However, I guess an important part that I failed to mention is that I'm working inside of a library where I cannot change PersonClass (clearly this is all an example, but the equivalent class in the library). Is there any decent way to do it without doing what thelamb suggested?


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