unbreakable 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all .. i have shellexecute problem in ollydebug..

0055B8DD   > 57  PUSH  EDI     ; /IsShown
0055B8DE   . 56             PUSH ESI    ; |DefDir
0055B8DF   . 56             PUSH ESI    ; |Parameters
0055B8E0   . 68 08646D00    PUSH Unpacked.006D6408 ; |FileName= "Option.exe"
0055B8E5   . 68 00646D00    PUSH Unpacked.006D6400  ; |Operation = "open"
0055B8EA   . 56             PUSH ESI      ; |hWnd
0055B8EB   . FF15 C4326A00  CALL DWORD PTR DS [<&shell32.ShellExecuteA>] ; \ShellExecuteA

it's true . so how can JMP this adress ?

JMP 055B8DE not working..


how can run "myapp.exe" ?

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