georcote 0 Newbie Poster

Ok here it is ....
Since there is no more autoredraw property
I am trying since 3 days now to simply draw lines in a picture box from data that are inside 4 different listbox one for each point x1 ,y1,x2,y2 my syntax is as follow....
the lines seems to be drawn but they disapear,how could i make these lines persistent???
base on the code below what i should do???
Private Sub picturebox1_paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As_ System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles picturebox1.Paint
Dim line As Integer
Dim objPen As Pen
Dim pipeimage As Graphics = e.Graphics
For line = 0 To listeEX.Items.Count - 1
pipeimage = picturebox1.CreateGraphics
objPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Black, 1)
objPen.DashStyle = Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid
pipeimage.DrawLine(objPen, CInt(listeSX.Items(line)),_ CInt(listeSY.Items(line)), CInt(listeEX.Items(line)), CInt(listeEY.Items(line)))
Next line
End Sub

this routine will represent the side view of a cutted stellpipe base on it's cutting angle the numers on the listbox are very small ex: x1=.1570,y1=-12,x2=.1570,y2=.0119
i multiplied these value by 100 in order to get my lines long enough to be seen.

It was so easy in vb5 why it is so complicated now ! :O(

Hope that somebody help me!!!