Im working on java program for make a simple converter from celcius to reamur and fahrenheit i want to make an exception handle if user try to insert celcius = 0 and >100 using try & catch feature in Java, but until now i couldnt make it, here is my current simple program

import java.util.Scanner;

public class temperatur2 {
public static void main( String [] args ){
	short loop = 2;
	while (loop == 2 ){
	System.out.print( "\n 1. Convert Celcius to Reamur \n 2. Convert Celcius to Fahrenheit " );
	System.out.print( "\n Insert your choice : " );
	Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
	short choose = input.nextShort();

if (choose == 1){
	System.out.print( "\nInsert celcius degree: " );
	int c = input.nextInt();
	double r = c * 0.8;
	System.out.println( c + " Degree Celcius equivalent to " + r + "  reamur.\n");
	loop = 1;
	else if (pil == 2){
	System.out.print( "\nInsert celcius degree:");
	int c = input.nextInt();
	double f = (9.0/5.0)*c+32;
	System.out.print( c + " Degree Celcius equivalent to " + f + "  Fahrenheit." );
	loop = 1;
	} else
		System.out.println( "Sorry there is only two option 1 or 2\n") ;
		loop = 2;

is there any idea how i implement exception in this program? any help and solution would be very appreciated

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