draconias22 0 Newbie Poster

Ok, so I need some help. I've already submitted this for a grade, but I just want to know how to do it better.

I don't know how to create functions for this program due to the structs and pointers. I would appreciate any help.

Essentially I want to create a function for allocating memory for the structs and then another function for comparing the winning lotto numbers to the numbers read into from file.

Program purpose: Read in from a file designated by the user, the user enters the winning lottery numbers, and then the program compares the winning numbers to each ticket's numbers and then prints off the owner of each ticket, how many numbers they matched and the amount of money they won (as long as they matched 3 or more numbers).

Here is a sample file input:

Llewellyn Mark
1 15 19 26 33 46
Young Brian
17 19 33 34 46 47
Cazalas Jonathan
1 4 9 16 25 36
Siu Max
17 19 34 46 47 48
Balci Murat
5 10 17 19 34 47

Here is the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXNUMBERS 53

enum lottery
    NUMMATCHED_3 = 10,
    NUMMATCHED_4 = 100,
    NUMMATCHED_5 = 10000,
    NUMMATCHED_6 = 1000000,

struct lotto
    char first_name [19];
    char last_name [19];
    int player_numbers[NUMBALLSDRAWN];

int main(void)
    FILE* fin;//pointer to file user wants to open
    char fname[256]; //stores file name read into by user
    int ticketsbought; //integer read from file indicating number of tickets bought
    int winningnumbers[NUMBALLSDRAWN];//integer array storing winning lottery numbers input by user
    int numbersmatched;//used as a counter when comparing winning numbers to players 
                       //numbers to see how many numbers the player matched to the winning numbers
    struct lotto *players_ticket;//pointer 
    int i; //for-loop index
    int j; //for-loop index
    int k;//for-loop index
    printf("Enter the name of the file with the ticket data.\n");
    scanf(" %s", fname);
    fin = fopen(fname, "r");
    if(fin == NULL) //if an error occurs and file can't be opened
        printf("\aError: That file cannot be opened\n");
        system ("PAUSE");
        return 0;
    fscanf(fin, "%d", &ticketsbought);//scanning in first number of file; necessary to allocate memory for struct
    players_ticket = (struct lotto *)malloc(sizeof(struct lotto)*ticketsbought);//allocating memory for struct lotto
    if(players_ticket == NULL)//Error if memory allocation failed
        printf("\aError: Memory Allocation Failed\n");
        return 0;
    for(i = 0; i < ticketsbought; i++)/*Scan in the ticket information for the numbers 
                                        of tickets bought(1st number scanned in from the file)*/
        fscanf(fin, " %s" " %s", &players_ticket[i].last_name, &players_ticket[i].first_name); // scan in the name associated with the ticket
        for(j=0; j<NUMBALLSDRAWN; j++)//scan in the numbers on the ticket.  Amount of numbers is defined by NUMBALLSDRAWN.
            fscanf(fin, "%d", &players_ticket[i].player_numbers[j]);
    fclose(fin);//close the file read in by the user
    puts("Enter the winning Lottery numbers");
    for(i=0; i<NUMBALLSDRAWN; i++)//scan in each winning number into an int array
        scanf(" %d", &winningnumbers[i]);
        if(winningnumbers[i] < 1 || winningnumbers[i] > MAXNUMBERS)//error statement if user doesn't enter a valid winning lottery number
            printf("That's not a valid lotto number.\n");
    for(i=0; i<ticketsbought; i++)//loop through the tickets
        for(j=0; j<NUMBALLSPLAYED; j++)//loop through each players numbers
            for(k=0; k<NUMBALLSPLAYED; k++)//loop through each winning number, while comparing to players jth number
                if(players_ticket[i].player_numbers[j] == winningnumbers[k])//if a winning number is found among a players' numbers, count it
        switch(numbersmatched)//If the player has 3 to 6 matched numbers, they enter this switch statement that prints off the information
            case 3://matches 3 numbers
                printf("%s %s matched %d numbers and won $%d.\n",players_ticket[i].first_name, 
                        players_ticket[i].last_name, numbersmatched, NUMMATCHED_3);
            case 4://matches 4 numbers
                printf("%s %s matched %d numbers and won $%d.\n",players_ticket[i].first_name, 
                        players_ticket[i].last_name, numbersmatched, NUMMATCHED_4);
            case 5://matches 5 numbers
                printf("%s %s matched %d numbers and won $%d.\n",players_ticket[i].first_name, 
                        players_ticket[i].last_name, numbersmatched, NUMMATCHED_5);
            case 6: //matches 6 numbers
                printf("%s %s matched %d numbers and won $%d.\n",players_ticket[i].first_name, 
                        players_ticket[i].last_name, numbersmatched, NUMMATCHED_6);
        numbersmatched = 0;//reset the number of matched numbers to zero for the next ticket to be compared before beginning loop again
    free(players_ticket);//free the malloc'ed memory
    return 0;