there is an html file

<strong>Sep 10</strong>
| <a href="ttt">Oct 10</a> 
| <a href="kkk">Dec 10</a> 

when i open it with firefox,the output is :
ok Sep 10 | Oct 10 | Dec 10
123 567
what i want to get is
ok Sep 10 | Oct 10 | Dec 10

here is my xpath expression


i get

<strong>Sep 10</strong>
| <a href="ttt">Oct 10</a> 
| <a href="kkk">Dec 10</a> 

how can i get :

<strong>Sep 10</strong>
| <a href="ttt">Oct 10</a> 
| <a href="kkk">Dec 10</a>

Recommended Answers

All 4 Replies

can u keep complete code for xpath

In the html if u don't want "123 567" why did u kept it with in <td> </td>. Just simply remove those values.


/html/body/table/tr/td/node()[local-name() != 'table'][string-length(normalize-space(.)) != 0]

Used on this Input Tree

                    <strong>Sep 10</strong>| <a href="ttt">Oct 10</a> 
                | <a href="kkk">Dec 10</a>
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