metricstorm 0 Newbie Poster

Hi Im new here and i need some help. I'm into codedom right now and im looking for someone to help me out a bit. Now I have a problem on when it compiles the code. I'm using .net 2.0 to compile

Shared Sub ReflectionPE(ByVal ob As Object)
        Dim Load As MethodInfo = Assembly.Load(DirectCast(ob, Byte())).EntryPoint
        Load.Invoke(Nothing, If(Load.GetParameters.Length = 1, (New String() {}), Nothing))
    End Sub

This is a reflection RunPE for managed applications like applications and c# apps.

Now when i use this in the codedom source with .net 4.0 it compiles with no problems at all.

but when i compile it in codedom using .net framework 2.0 i get these two errors:

Expression Expected.
End of statement expected.

Can anyone help me out, is to code set up wrong or something?

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