Jtibs 0 Newbie Poster


I'm looking for some help regarding a MIPS program I have to code. I am very new to MIPS and to these forums so if I am doing something wrong in terms of posting a thread please inform me of it.

It has an array of integer values stored in a .word called "numbers". The actual values will change because my code will be put up against different test cases.

It also has a .word called "numValues". The number of values I also do not know, but I do know its always going to be >= 0.

What I have to do is print all the values of "numbers" on one line separated by tabs.
Then on a newline I have to print all the values in the same form except not print last one.
Then all the values except the last 2.
And so on until I print only the first value of the array.

I know how to put together for and while loops in assembly language but I can't figure out how to start off by printing all of them and decrease the offset each time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!