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Hi During my Web browser program i have got a bookmarks bar running but when ever i add a bookmark to it the name is the URL, which is bad if you are adding a Google search page. When i try and add document title into the equation apparently i can't because the constructor does not take more thank 5 arguments. Here is my code so far.

private void toolStripButton9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (getCurrentBrowser().Url != null)
                addLink(getCurrentBrowser().Url.ToString(), getCurrentBrowser().Url.ToString());
        } // code for Add to bookmarks bar /|\

Addlink below \|/

private void addLink(String url, string name)
            XmlDocument myXml = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement el = myXml.CreateElement("link");
            el.SetAttribute("url", url);
            el.InnerText = name;

            if (!File.Exists(linksXml))
                XmlElement root = myXml.CreateElement("links");
            if (linkBar.Visible == true)
                ToolStripButton b =
                          new ToolStripButton(el.InnerText, getFavicon(url), items_Click, el.GetAttribute("url"));
                b.ToolTipText = el.GetAttribute("url");
                b.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(b_MouseUp);

            if (favoritesPanel.Visible == true)
                TreeNode node = new TreeNode(el.InnerText, faviconIndex(url), faviconIndex(el.GetAttribute("url")));
                node.Name = el.GetAttribute("url");
                node.ToolTipText = el.GetAttribute("url");
                node.ContextMenuStrip = linkContextMenu;

this is the bit i think i need to focus on.

if (linkBar.Visible == true)
                ToolStripButton b =
                          new ToolStripButton(el.InnerText, getFavicon(url), items_Click, el.GetAttribute("url"));
 b.ToolTipText = el.GetAttribute("url");
                b.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(b_MouseUp);

i think i need to add a new attribute. if i was i would call it name but when i try and add a new attribute it does not work. apparently i cannot have a constructor that takes 5 arguments. also in this area i think i need to add something,

private void toolStripButton9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (getCurrentBrowser().Url != null)
                addLink(getCurrentBrowser().Url.ToString(), getCurrentBrowser().Url.ToString());

i think i need to add another getCurrentBrowser().DocumentTitle.ToString(); but i am not sure.

I have an idea of what needs done but i just need some help to accomplish it. But basically i want when the user adds a bookmark that the document title is shown not the URL because if you bookmarked a Google search it would be a huge bookmark.

Any help is much appreciated


Member Avatar for nssltd

I have found the solution it was as simple as this.

private void toolStripButton9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (getCurrentBrowser().Url != null)
                addLink(getCurrentBrowser().Url.ToString(), getCurrentBrowser().DocumentTitle.ToString());

I hope this could of help anyone!


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