how to create a database in Ms Access and connecting it to forms that is created using swings in java using Netbeans 5.5....
can u please explain me with an example in netbeans 5.5 please

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sure we can, we just won't
let me give you a few pointers:

MS Access has a very nice, very easy Create-DB wizzard, use it.
go to that friendly dude, Mr. Google, and ask him what he can find you about jdbc connectivity. now thát should help you allong just fine

don't just come here, set some basic demands and ask for custom made code. not only does it show that you are not willing to do some effort yourself, but you are so rude as to think we have nothing better to do than to do your homework for you, so you could pass whatever grade it is you are in, without even learning the first bit about what you are doing

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