Syphilis 0 Light Poster

Ahoy Sailors!

So I've been developing a networking application using Twisted. This can be divided into two parts. The Host and the Guest. I normally make and test such on my main Ubuntu Linux computer, Now the time has come to compile it for Windows. But straight out of left field when the Host is on windows the Guest can't connect over public IP to it.

Could it be the firewall? No I have TinyXP which is just like normal XP only without some of it's useless junk ( including the firewall).

Could it be port forwarding? No every computer I've tried connects to the internet via the same route. I've tried forwarding it again on each computer anyway but to no avail.

Here's a list of the computer's I've tried it on.

TinyXP - Virtual Machine-----Over Public IP:No Over Localhost:Yes
Ubuntu - Linux-----Over Public IP:Yes Over Localhost:Yes
TinyXP - Laptop-----Over Public IP:No Over Localhost:?
Vista - Laptop-----Over Public IP:No Over Localhost:?

Any suggestions?

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